Welcome to MODEL Software Oil And Gas Monitor

Oil And Gas Monitor: Monitor Noise Particles, and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

Pawnee Grasslands At Midnite -- Credit and permission: James W Cole
missing photo
Link: https://www.modelsw.com/OilGasMonitor/PawneeGrasslandsAtMidnite.jpg
Fullsize: https://www.modelsw.com/OilGasMonitor/PawneeGrasslandsAtMidniteFull.jpg
One is hard pressed to see the stars because of all the flares from the oil and gas drilling that light up the night.


Creative Commons License
Peace requires justice, which requires sustenance for the people, which requires ecological sustainability, which requires peace. -- Joanne Cvar
01January2017 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Email: